The Latest from Little Word

The Latest from Little Word

Hey folks, 

Here are a few quick notes from your friends at Little Word.

  1. Just check out that image. That's right, the first page of the first book we're releasing is of a bloody altar. Your kids are gonna love it!
    Ear, Hand, Foot will be released later this fall. Information for pre-orders is coming soon!
  2. Thank you so much to those of you who have financially supported our work with donations. We've raised just over $3,000 so far of the $15,000, and that's a fantastic start!

    To give to our work and help us get off the ground, click HERE.
  3. We are hitting the road next week! We have a booth at the upcoming CREC General Council meeting in Moscow, ID. If you're at council, we would love to meet you. You'll also get a chance to flip through a proto-copy of Ear, Hand, Foot.
Christ be with you and your little ones,

- Brian Moats

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